Chief Executive Officer
To be advised
Chief Operating Officer
Darin Balcombe
M: +64 21 407 593
E: darin.balcombe@nztr.co.nz
Business Services
Internal Operations Manager
Sam Fursdon
M: +64 27 436 9670
E: sam.fursdon@nztr.co.nz
Racing Operations Assistant
Amy Carter
M: +64 21 141 9191
E: amy.carter@nztr.co.nz
Thoroughbred Welfare
Head of Welfare and Sustainability
Justine Sclater
M: +64 21 433 107
E: justine.sclater@nztr.co.nz
Thoroughbred Welfare
E: ThoroughbredWelfare@nztr.co.nz
Training, Education and Recruitment
Head of Training, Education and Recruitment
Amy Johnson
M: +64 27 561 5787
E: amy.johnson@nztr.co.nz
Marketing and Communications
Head of Marketing, Communications and Wagering Partnerships
Dan Smith
M: +64 27 234 2671
E: dan.smith@nztr.co.nz
Media Enquiries
Catlyn Calder
M: +64 27 252 2803
E: catlyn.calder@nztr.co.nz
Legal and Compliance
Head of Legal and Compliance
Jill Gregory
M: +64 21 147 0435
E: jill.gregory@nztr.co.nz
People and Culture
Head of People and Culture
Tash Adamstein
M: +64 22 434 6383
E: tharsha.adamstein@nztr.co.nz
National Racing Bureau
National Racing Bureau
Email: nrb@nztr.co.nz
Freephone: 0508 RACING (722 464)
International Phone: +64 4 576 5095
Head of Racing Operations
Tim Aldridge
M: +64 27 490 7620
E: tim.aldridge@nztr.co.nz
Senior Handicapper
Bruce Sherwin
M: +64 21 056 5643
E: bruce.sherwin@nztr.co.nz
Tracks and Infrastructure
Head of Tracks and Infrastructure
Tim Lambert
M: +64 27 696 6960
E: tim.lambert@nztr.co.nz
Licensing, Registrations and Stud Book
Head of Licensing and Registrations
Matthew Williamson
M: +64 27 444 1852
E: matthew.williamson@nztr.co.nz
Stud Book
M: +64 4 576 6240 ext. 3
E: studbook@nztr.co.nz
M: +64 27 207 4734
E: licensing@nztr.co.nz
M: +64 4 576 6240 ext. 1
E: registration@nztr.co.nz
Head of Finance
Rowan Cramond
M: +64 21 846 014
E: rowan.cramond@nztr.co.nz
M: 0800 946 637
E: accounts@nztr.co.nz
Racing Accounts and TROSA
M: 0800 946 637
E: trosa.nztr@nztr.co.nz
Funding and Analytics
Head of Funding and Analytics
Tony Severinsen
M: +64 27 448 3181
E: tony.severinsen@nztr.co.nz