Following the Sunday 23 March abandonment at Tauherenikau Racecourse, New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR), the Club and NZSTI have been onsite, and have now received an initial report following NZSTI’s investigation.
The report outlines:
- A deep hoofmark was clearly visible, with nothing similar observed in the vicinity. It appears that the horse’s hoof contacted a small, unusually soft spot and has penetrated much deeper than usual.
- Moisture readings and cores were taken at various points in the track, and they showed good consistency through the profile. Investigations around the deep hoof mark did not reveal any similar soft spots or voids and moisture levels in the vicinity of the hoof mark were 45% and consistent with the rest of the track.
- It appears the horse has scrambled to regain its footing after the deep hoof mark which has resulted in the slip. Further investigation of the area where the slipping occurred was also normal.
NZTR is confident the track was presented well on race morning, with Jockeys and the RIB complimentary of the surface prior to the running of the first event. However, given the unusual nature of this abandonment, NZTR, the Regional Track Advisor and the Club have decided that further investigation is required.
The scheduled race meeting on 13 April will no longer be held at Tauherenikau and alternative venue information will be communicated in the coming days.
The Club will complete a full investigation before performing a full, detailed renovation which had been scheduled to commence after the April 13 Raceday.